24 April 2021

Orchidee e capre

by Addis Lino, Addis Lino, Addis Lino
Orchidee e capre

Surreal atmospheres, with implications now disturbing now grotesque, distinguish the stories of Lino Addis, skilled in making plausible characters and situations otherwise impossible even to imagine: among others, the honorable Giovanni Cristalli forced to reconsider his vision of the afterlife, the mischievous goat that thwarts the attempt of a boyfriend to make a good impression on his future in-laws or Vincenzo, “Gatto”, struggling with the undesirable effects of his illicit activity; or, again, Alfonso Tosto Bicon, champion of binge eating with “bestiali” consequences, and Teo Druffò, creator of a new form of entertainment as daring as it is macabre.

  • Publishing house Betti Editrice
  • Year of publication 2020
  • Number of pages 168
  • ISBN 9788875766870
  • Foreign Rights Luca Betti
  • Price 12.00 €

Addis Lino, Addis Lino, Addis Lino

Lino Addis, former Carabinieri officer, is fond of literature, art and music. After a break of more than thirty years, he resumed writing short stories both of contemporary setting and of science fiction and surreal genre. In 2019 he published for the series L’Erudita of Giulio Perrone Editore, Rome, the collection of short stories Il gatto inverso ed altri problemi. Other short stories have been published in anthologies of literary competitions and online magazines.

Orchidee e capre

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