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Ormoni bioidentici e low-dose therapy in menopausa

Bioidentic hormones and low dose therapy in menopauseThe text by Prof. Osvaldo Sponzilli is the first in Italy that presents the possible medical interventions that can be carried out through BHRT, a natural hormone replacement therapy based on bioidentical hormones, which are substances obtained from natural, vegetable or animal matrixes, which undergo a process of galenic transformation. The molecules are exactly the same as those normally present in the female body, naturally responsible forregulating metabolic activities. The body recognizes and accepts them, thus avoiding the unwanted side effects that often occur with traditional medical therapies. These substances are administered in the form of magisterialgalenic preparations prescribed by a doctor and prepared in the pharmacy. The combination with nutraceuticals, phytotherapy and microdose therapies allow women to regain hormonal balance and respond effectively to premenopause and menopause treatment through modular and personalized therapies.

Osvaldo Sponzilli has been a surgeon, homeopath, acupuncturer, past regression life therapist and emotional psychotherapist for over 35 years. He directs the Homeopathy, Acupuncture and Reflexotherapy clinic at the San Pietro Fatebenefratelli hospital in Rome and is an Acupuncture and Chromotherapy professor at the Università di Tor Vergata in Rome.