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Thinking, going through past time and rereading the meaning of life: this is the task of the mens poetica. A task that can be hard and is always demanding and difficult. Thoughts substantiate themselves into verses almost spontaneously, when no other possible form is given. Thoughts surfacing and becoming poetry automatically: but not in order to be translated in an immediate and naive kind of verses. On the contrary: this is a process of thinking that can express itself fully only by its passing through the chisel of a wise creativity, assuming ever varying forms, thanks to different and inextinguishable stylistic solutions following one another, page after page, poem after poem.

Laura Capogna was born, lives and works in Rome, Italy. She studied philosophy in order to get some clue about the question “what will I be?” Though the PhD helped her finding a job as teacher, the question still puzzles her from time to time. Meanwhile, she has given up any hope of curing her chronicle “writing disease”. On the contrary, she is firmly determined to reach a specific goal: to pass on the same illness to her pupils.