4 August 2020


by Perini Sandra

An innovative method that combinespsychotherapy and essential oilsBased on a number of scientific researches and her experience as apsychotherapist, Sandra Perini highlights the power of aromatherapyon the human psyche, health and emotional wellbeing.Conditions of mental distress such as anxiety, panic, depression,pain, stress can be relieved by combining psychotherapy and essentialoils, as the latter help achieve a state of relaxation, increasing attention,concentration and memory.Through your olfactory system you can access your mental andemotional “library”, and images, sensations and memories resurface.This healing ritual is an evolutionary path of knowledge and existentialgrowth through which we witness the transformation of deep and unknownparts of ourselves, to achieve our full and authentic expressionof our original Self.Psychoaromatherapy is also a valid support for all wellness operators(psychotherapists, naturopaths, nurses, holistic practitioners, musictherapists)

  • Publishing house Edizioni Il Punto d'Incontro
  • Year of publication 2019
  • Number of pages 220
  • ISBN 9788868206079
  • Foreign Rights Levi Cristina
  • Ebook disponibile
  • Price 12.90 €

Perini Sandra

SANDRA PERINI is a psychotherapistand a naturopath. She obtained a specialisationin aromatherapy and holisticpractices from the School of HolisticMedicine in Milan.In her practice sheuses a combination of psychotherapy,philosophy, anthroposophy and holisticapproaches. She holds seminars andconferences nationwide on the powerof essential oils on people’s psychic andemotional life.


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