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Quaderni del carcere. Antologia

The profound coherence of Gramscian thought. An intellectual and philosopher, even before being a party man, of universal inspiration and incredible topicality. In his notebooks, with extreme lucidity, he describes intellectual lackeys, tells of roosters announcing a sun that never wants to come out, and of the absence in Italian life of any ‘vertebrate’ movement that has in itself the possibility of permanent and continuous development. The Prison Notebooks are a collection of the notes, texts and memos that Antonio Gramsci began writing from 8 February 1929, during his imprisonment in fascist jails. On the one hand Gramsci considered writing an exercise against the withering and loneliness caused by prison life, on the other hand he had the opportunity to theorise independently of contingent political issues. In this anthology, the editor’s selection and division into chapters is ‘carried out with a view to the greatest possible clarity, also in order to give those who are completely dry, the possibility of having an overview of Antonio Gramsci’s thought’.

The editor: Mario Di Vito, born in 1989, journalist. He works for Il Manifesto, and also writes for A-Rivista Anarchica, Malamente and other publications. He has published the noirs Il male minore (Edizioni Ae, 2016), Due minuti a mezzanotte (Fila 37, 2018) and the narrative reportage Dopo. Storie da un terremoto negato (Poiesis/Lo Stato delle Cose, 2019).