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This is a book about a little girl who looks at her world with her own eyes: the house, the family, the garden, her pets. It\’s all seen from her height and therefore according to her measure \’Dad and Mum are taller than me\’. But then the world expands and finds herself looking at the swallows, the sky, to the moon.

This book talks about heights, those of a child that reflect a different world.

This is a book about heights theme, from the point of view of a child. The main character here is a little girl that observes the world around her: mum and dad, the house, places and familiar people on his living everyday. On her looking around she realize soon that some things are bigger or taller than her and others are smaller and, in a way, she will have to face them.

The change of prospective is something that often as adults we forget. For a child that look around somethings will be huge and insurmountable, like a mountain but infact is just a desk. On the opposite he has much more contact with the ground and all that smaller things. Sometimes you grow up and forget, you need to look the world through the eyes of a child to understand what he see; a world in a different view.

Giulia Valentina Poggio was born in the province of Venice. Born as game and grow up the passion words, stories, drawings and colors. She graduated from the Liceo Artistico of Venice in Painting and pictorial decoration, she has got a bachelor degree in Visual Arts at the IUAV and obtained a Master’s degree in Computer Science for Humanities at the Cà Foscari University of Venice.