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The third title in the Little Philosophers series, following Plato and Descartes.

Did you know that, as a child, Kant hated school, because he wasn\’t allowed to ask any question? And that, as an adult, he was so precise that he left house every day at the same time? With this book, every child will learn his story and his big ideas. With puzzles, labyrinths, and games!

Even great thinkers have been kids and to discover their stories and ideas can be so much fun! Different activities like drawing, counting and writing allow young readers to leave their mark on the page, personalize the book and learn while having fun. The high legibility font allows every kid to easily read on their own.

Alba Sala, aka Maestra Alba, has been a primary school teacher for more than twenty years. She graduated in Philosophy at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan and now creates activities for her students that make them feel like little philosophers.