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A tale told through words and watercolours, echoing with a myth-like atmosphere. «There is a silence that amplifies the murmurs that grow from within. It is a silence that erases distance, time and our rough surfaces. Out of the silence, the call of a burning heart emerges and reaches the silver girl, who is submerged in darkness. She looks up and she understands. The call of her fire boy gently moves her, like a warm wind rustling the branches of a tree». Picture book, 19 illustrations.

Niente Caffè, alias Alessandra Finiello, is a free lance artist and illustrator. Her digital artworks mimic watercolor hues and texture, and revolve around the realm of femininity and womanhood.

Giulia Marchetti, author of our text, teaches English Language and Literature and devotes herself to linguistic, mainly Anglo-Saxon studies.