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La rivolta di Masaniello. Compendio al Diario dei tumulti del popolo napolitano contro i ministri del re e la nobiltà di essa città composto dal maestro di campo D. Francesco Capecelatro

This volume proposes the chronicle of the events that took place in Naples at the time of Masaniello, reported by the historian Francesco Capecelatro in the famous text entitled ‘Diary of the tumults of the Neapolitan people against the ministers of the king and the nobility of this city’. The text, made accessible to a contemporary audience thanks to the numerous annotations and necessary clarifications by the author, Luciana De Luca, is enriched by a series of original documents and historical tables belonging to the author’s private collection.

Luciana De Luca Comas is a doctor and author of La rivolta di Masaniello.