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Shaken by his girlfriend infidelity, university student (and history buff) Tullio resorts to a form of protection as old as humanity: an armor to never be hurt again. An emotional armor, nevertheless isolating and cumbersome as a real one…

A young couple of authors explores the dangers of bottled emotions, the healing powers of friendship and love, in a graphic novel with luscious and modern visuals.

Of self-care, facing your fears and the importanceof friendship. And sword battles against your trauma.

Francesco Vicentini Orgnani was born in Pisa in 1992, he began his career as a comic book writer at the International School of Comics in Rome. Ruggine is his debut.

Fabiana Mascolo was born in Rome in 1993 and graduated from the International Comics School of Rome in 2015. She collaborated as a colorist on ‘Dato’ for Editoriale Aurea. In 2017 she worls on Caput Mundi – The monsters of Rome for Editorial Cosmo. Ruggine is her first graphic novel.