27 May 2020

Scrittura professionale. Guida alla redazione di testi corretti e efficaci

by Antelmi Donella
Scrittura professionale. Guida alla redazione di testi corretti e efficaci

Professional writing is for students and workers that want to learn how to produce correct and effective texts. The first part deals with many aspects of orthography, syntax and topics organization. The second part is about the most common textual genres used in work environment: letters, essay, press release, brochures, presentations.

  • Publishing house Audino
  • Year of publication 2020
  • Number of pages 158
  • ISBN 9788875274375
  • Foreign Rights
  • Price 19.00 €

Antelmi Donella

Donella Antelmi is Professor in Linguistic at the IULM  University in Milan. She teaches also Business writing and Professional writing. Among her books, we mention: Comunicazione e analisi del discorso (UTET 2012), Verdi parole. Un’analisi linguistica del discorso green (Mimesis Edizioni 2018), Testi brevi di accompagnamento (Universitas Studiorum 2019).

Scrittura professionale. Guida alla redazione di testi corretti e efficaci

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