Svezzamento: un affare di famiglia
by Gandini Vera, Gandini Vera, Gandini Vera
In such an important and delicate phase as weaning, every parent wonders about the role of food in the growth of his or her child and wants to use the best way, but it is only through observation and participation that the child will let us know when he or she is ready to start, when he or she will be hungry and when he or she will be full. Mom and dad, through conscious choices, have the opportunity to condition the eating habits of their children, habits that tend to persist as adults. Children, in fact, observe us when we go shopping, when we cook, when we eat, and the example is, also in this case, fundamental. Weaning therefore represents an occasion to reflect on what we bring to our tables and improve the nutritional model of the whole family. The food choices of the first years of life do not only affect growth and health in the short term, but also reflect on the well-being of later ages. This book by Vera Gandini makes the motto “let\’s learn to eat well when we are young to be well when we grow up” her own.
- Publishing house Il Leone Verde
- Year of publication 2021
- Number of pages 113
- ISBN 9788865803080
- Foreign Rights Anna Spadolini
- Ebook Disponibile
- Price 14.00 €
Gandini Vera, Gandini Vera, Gandini Vera
Vera Gandini is graduated in Medicine and Surgery and specialized in Pediatrics. She obtained a second level Master’s degree in ‘Nutrition and Health Education’ at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna. She promotes prevention through nutrition and education to healthy lifestyles, guiding families towards conscious choices from an early age.