7 February 2024

Tanto poco

by Lodoli Marco
Tanto poco

Loving from the shadows means protecting and guarding oneself without risking exposure, without ever feeling the impulse to step into the light and say, “here I am, look at me, I’m here”. This is what happens to a school cleanerwhen she falls in love with a teacher, a young man with dark curls and a rebellious spirit. He is a dreamer, and she spends forty years defending him from the dangers and cruelty of the world. Quietly, from behind the scenes. Because to experience that one moment of happiness, she must be willing to lose everything.“Seasons pass – leaves grow, fall, and grow back and everything changes. But I’ve always been here, unmoving, a root planted in devotion that may be love but is probably fear”.Love from afar isn’t sullied by life – it is pure, absolute, and unshakeable: Marco Lodoli’s new novel discusses the silent and undying passion of a cleaner for a teacher who remains oblivious, consumed by his artistic ambitions and the illusion of being special – by his petty vanities. Matteo is a teacher, but also a writer: he had promise, once, but he has since lost his way. Even so, the cleaner never stops loving him, but at what price? To shield that white rose from the filth of life she must be uncompromising, fierce, ruthless. She must give up everything.Marco Lodoli brings us to the heart of the pursuit, that overwhelming feeling of restlessness and vertical tension, like a dream we never want to end: a wild fantasy, and for this reason, more powerful than reality. A cleaner and ateacher, two parallel lives that may never intersect, or that may meet for only one night, in an embrace that smells of love and gratitude, illusion and oblivion. “So little a thing” is all we need to be happy, all we have to do is reject the world and abandon ourselves to an absurd and beautiful obsession.

  • Publishing house Einaudi
  • Year of publication 2024
  • Number of pages 104
  • ISBN 9788806262259
  • Foreign Rights Valeria Zito -
  • Foreign Rights sold France (P.O.L.)
  • Ebook
  • Price 15.00

Lodoli Marco

Marco Lodoli was born in Rome in 1956. With Einaudi he published I fannulloni (1990), Crampi (1992) and Grande Circo Invalido (1993); Il vento (1996), I fiori (1999), La notte (2001); Sorella (2008), Italia (2010), Vapore (2013),  Diario di un millennio che fugge (1997), and Isole. Guida vagabonda di Roma (2005), Snack Bar Budapest, with Silvia Bre (2008), Il rosso e il blu. Cuori ed errori nella scuola italiana (2009), Nuove isole (2014), Il fiume (2016), Paolina (2018) and Il preside (2020).

Tanto poco

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