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Tehran: new Italian books translated into Farsi

On 27 October last year, the presentation of the Farsi translation of Pier PaoloPasolini‘s travel diary The Smell of India, translated by Alireza Niazzadehnajafi with the contribution of MAECI, was held in the garden of the Residence, in the presence of leading Iranian Pasolini scholars. The presentation included an examination of the linguistic properties of the original version of the novel and their version in Persian, as well as a survey of the stages of the great Italian intellectual’s journey to India.

On 13 November, on the occasion of the finissage of the exhibition on Pier Paolo Pasolini, the exhibition catalogue entitled Truth Lies Not in One Dream, but in Many. One Thousand and One Nights of Pasolini in Iran. The catalogue-book illustrates Pasolini’s legacy in Iran, where the figure and work of the Italian intellectual, who died three years before the Islamic revolution, have always been the subject of study, strong admiration and interest, but no celebratory event had ever been organised to commemorate them.

On 12 January 2023, for the publication of the Farsi translation of Leonardo Sciascia’s The Context-A Parody, a reflection on the relevance of Sciascia’s writing in today’s Iran was organised. Ambassador SE Giuseppe Perrone, the head of the Culture and Press Office, Dr. Yaroslava Romanova, Professor Antonia Shoraka, translator of the book, Dr. Ahmad Tahavori, publisher and head of the Aftabkaran publishing house, Manucher Sadat Afsari, translator and Italianist, animated the initiative.