29 September 2020

The origin of artwork

by Cambria Florinda, Franzini Elio, Sini Carlo, Serra Carlo, Spinicci Paolo, Cambria Florinda, Franzini Elio, Sini Carlo, Serra Carlo, Spinicci Paolo
The origin of artwork

A kaleidoscope of reflections on the origin of the artwork, the result of the encounter between philosophy and the arts

Theater, painting, philosophy, music, poetry, dance, singing and drawing are called to the stage by the authors and analyzed in search of their source. The book is an original and out-of-orbit navigation that circumnavigates \’arts\’ and cognitive practices in search of a common root of human knowledge. A volume that is an initiatory journey, a pilgrimage, a real aesthetic \’factory of experience\’ conceived as a gesture that seeks to grasp and join the end and the origin in every instant.

  • Publishing house Jaca Book
  • Year of publication 2020
  • Number of pages 144
  • ISBN 9788816416253
  • Foreign Rights Stefano Miceli (
  • Price 18.00 €

Cambria Florinda, Franzini Elio, Sini Carlo, Serra Carlo, Spinicci Paolo, Cambria Florinda, Franzini Elio, Sini Carlo, Serra Carlo, Spinicci Paolo

CARLO SINI He taught Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Milan for thirty years. He is an Academic of the Lincei and a member of other Italian academies and cultural institutions. Jaca Book is currently publishing his works in six volumes.

ELIO FRANZINI Rector of the University of Milan, he is a scholar of Husserl and phenomenology, of modern and contemporary French thought.

The origin of artwork

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