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Tinotino tinotina tino tin tin tin

Tinotino is a child who has a burning passion for music, has any object around in his head, turns into an instrument that produces sound. When he grows up he would like to be a percussionist, but his father is worried and leads him to discover other professions. From the meeting between Elisabetta Garilli and Emanuela Bussolati, this illustrated book was born which has the power to evoke music and sound through words and images.

With this series, Carthusia allows the illustrated book to synchronize with the breath of music: music that is born or reborn. Through the sounds of words and the vividness of the images young readers will learn to \’listen\’ to the images and to \’see\’ the music.

Elisabetta Garilli, pianist and composer, expert in music education, and curator of the review “Agorà\’.

Emanuela Bussolati, one of the most popular authors and illustrators for children. Expert in editorial design, she currently works for many publishing houses in Italy and abroad.