Gaetano Rando
Native language
- Italian
Translations from
- English
- Fiction
- Poesia
- Storia e critica letteraria
- Storia della arte
Translated texts
- D. Santamaria I Segreti delle Pietre [Translation English>Italian of The Secrets of the Pebbles, Black Chicken Publications, Sydney, 2011] – currently in progress
- S. Nievo The Blue Whale [Translation Italian > English by Gaetano Rando of Stanislao Nievo La Balena Azzurra, Milan, Mondadori, 1993], Toronto, Guernica, 2000
- R. Carboni La Barricata dell\'Eureka. Translation into Italian, introduction and notes by G. Rando, Rome, Archivio Guido Izzi, 2000. [Tanslation English —> Italian of Raffaello Carboni, The Eureka Stockade, Melbourne 1855]
- C. Caruso Under Another Sky [Parts I and II translated by Gaetano Rando], Congedo Editore Lecce, 1999 [Translation Italian > English of Carmelo Caruso Sotto un altro cielo, Congedo Editore, Lecce, 1998]
- R. Cappiello Oh Lucky Country, St Lucia (Qld) , University of Queensland Press, 1984. Translation into English and introduction by G. Rando [Translation Italian > English of Rosa R. Cappiello, Paese fortunato, Milan, Feltrinelli, 1982] – 3rd edition Sydney University Press published in 2009