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Florida, 10,000 years ago. When a terrible fire destroys the tribe’s camp, only six children survive. Six children who will decide, alone, to carry out the great hunt, in search of the last mastodons, creatures that are very precious for their survival. The journey through a wild America full of huge and unknown animals will be an opportunity for them to discover their own talents: Ama has the Talent of Stories, Ocho that of Ropes, Cato of Stone, Beri of Fire. And Roqi? If he doesn’t even have the courage to throw a stone at a leaf-eater, will he ever be able to become a hunter? And above all: will the children be able to survive in the most hostile environment that has ever existed?


• A great survival story, able to draw the readers in and keep them reading.


• The courage to grow up, self-discovery and a journey of initiation into adulthood.• Italian Andersen Prize 2022 Finalist.

Davide Morosinotto is a multi-award-winning author of works translated into 25 languages. In 2021 alone, he won the Zilveren Griffel in the Netherlands, the Penzberger Urmel in Germany, the Grand Prix des Lectures du Journal de Mickey in France and the Strega Children’s Prize in Italy. He has also been nominated for the 2022 Carnegie Medal in the UK.