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Andrea is a framed, precise, orderly man. A wife, two children, a job, a life that seems perfect but that will be completely upset by an unexpected encounter. He is Kuno, messy, lover of books, dreamer, eccentric. A look on a rainy night is enough to change their lives. In the short time they will enjoy together, they will share an overwhelming and overwhelming love. Passion will grow with the same intensity as the inner and spiritual search, until Kuno\’s illness and death will represent the apotheosis of Andrea\’s change, giving him a cathartic pain that will make him a new person.

The novel contains “The monologue of colors”.

Kiran Sankharan is the pseudonym of Antonello Iona, 52 years old, from Campania, mechanical engineer and manager of a multinational company. Interested in the arts, he has always had a great passion for literature. He writes short and intense stories with a clean style, never lacking in humanity and charm. “Una forma e due specchi” is his first novel.