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Volevo essere un carabiniere, un soldato di Cristo

This book written with love by Giuseppe Febbraio wants to be a message of hope. Miracles are not performed only by saints, but by every citizen who fully carries out his duty. Giuseppe, a carabiniere on leave, divides his life into two stages. In the first part of his life he dedicated himself rigidly and exclusively to carrying out those institutional tasks which are the foundations of the Carabinieri. In the second, which began the day after leaving the Arma, he tried and is trying to disseminate his ideas and experience.

Giuseppe Febbraio was born in Naples in 1961. He began his military career in the Carabinieri. Discharged in May 2021, he is the author of Persemprenews. He is currently engaged in social volunteering and with the sale of this book he supports the Foundation A voce d ‘e creature Onlus.