9 July 2020

ADHD Cosa fare e cosa non

by Arcangeli Donatella, Arcangeli Donatella
ADHD Cosa fare e cosa non

In the style of a Teacher Training notebook, this is a quick guide for primary school teachers who have pupils with ADHD, which can help them learn more about the disorder and apply simple but effective strategies to deal with it and manage it in the best possible way.

ADHD – What to do and what to avoid contains “ready to use” focused instructions to successfully deal with 15 problem behaviours that school-aged children (6-11 years old) typically have. 

The book is divided into 15 chapters, grouped into 3 macro-sections: Hyperactivity, Impulsivity, and Inattention:

Each chapter contains:

  • Why does he/she do that? –the reason behind every problem behaviour explained in a few, concise sentences;
  • What to do and What not to do – simple and clear indications for the teacher about what behaviour to adopt and what to avoid;
  • Analysis of the problem behaviour – in further detail;
  • How to intervene – tools and strategies for dealing with and managing the behaviour problems in the best way possible (rules for the child, structure for class workmonitoring of the problem behaviour, reinforcement of positive behaviours, educational pact with the family);
  • The expert’s advice – a brief summary paragraph with practical suggestions to use immediately.
  • Publishing house Erickson
  • Year of publication 2020
  • Number of pages 122
  • ISBN 9788859020462
  • Foreign Rights Valeria Agliuzzo
  • Price 16.50 €

Arcangeli Donatella, Arcangeli Donatella

Donatella Arcangeli is a doctor, and a child/adolescent neuropsychiatrist. In her clinic and training practice for health workers, social workers and teachers she dedicates herself to mental health in childhood, with particular attention to children with ADHD. For years she has been dealing with Teacher Training for school staff, providing teachers with working tools for the management of students with special educational needs or disabilities.

ADHD Cosa fare e cosa non

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