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Infant massage is an ancient art practiced in many parts of the world.In the last 40 years, thanks to pioneers such as Frédérick Leboyer and Eva Reich, this practice has come to us and has been able to develop, entering into the homes and daily habits of mothers and children.The main objective of baby massage is to strengthen the harmony already existing between parents and babies, especially in cases where they have been physically separated immediately after birth, and to contribute to the creation of a bond. Amore a fior di pelle by Barbara Bonci is the indispensable book to learn how to practice infant massage and to discover its many benefits on a psychological and physical level.

Barbara Bonci, born in Lecce but Roman by adoption, works as a psychotherapist in Rome, where she organizes consultations and courses on baby massage and support meetings for the management of stress and anxiety with psycho-body techniques.