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After many years of peace and prosperity, theGreat Realm is under threat. An evil warlock hasdestroyed the harmony that once existed among thedifferent regions by stealing the legendary Crownof Princesses, and sowing the seeds of destructionand terror. The icefields of Arcandida are melting.The sands of Roccadocra are covering everything.Meanwhile, selfishness and discord have crept intothe hearts of the inhabitants of the different regions.After many futile attempts to halt the decline, theroyal families leave the Great Realm to build boldnew cities on the water, in the bowels of the earth,and in the clouds. After years, even nostalgia fadesinto memory.According to an ancient prophecy, though, oneday five girls will come and awaken the Crown ofLight and defeat evil. That day has finally arrived…. Brave and rebel princesses bring the readers into their dreamy and enchanted world. Detailed and fascinating b/w illustrations enrich the text. In the style of the successful Princesses From the Kingdom of Fantasy series that sold 550.000 copies in Italy.

Thea Stilton is a special correspondent for The Rodent\’s Gazette, Mouse Island\’s most famouse newspaper. A graduate of Mouseford Academy, Ms. Stilton loves traveling and adventures. She is the sister of Geronimo Stilton.