Detective del cuore
by Stilton Tea, Stilton Tea
At Mouseford, there’s an attic on Daisy Lane:it’s the headquarters of the Heart Detectivesagency! Every weekend, the Tea Sisters gatherthere and turn into investigators specializing inmysteries tied to feelings and love storiesA new series that combines the Tea Sisters’detective skills with their more romantic side30,000 copies sold in Italy. A new customer knocks on the door of the Heart Detectives agency (i.e., the TeaSisters in the guise of investigators!): Katie, a girl looking for a mysterious superhero!Katie explains that a few evenings ago, she attended a masquerade party organizedby the Sailing Club of Whale Island, where she met a boy dressed up—like others atthe party—as Super Zeta, the superhero starring in a well-known movie. The two metby chance and spent the entire evening talking, perfectly attuned to each other. At acertain point, however, Katie had to step away for a minute and when she got back .. . her mysterious superhero was gone! This is a perfect case for the Heart Detectives,who will do everything possible to reunite the two!
- Publishing house Piemme
- Year of publication 2017
- Number of pages 192
- ISBN 9788856656176
- Foreign Rights Atlantyca:
- Foreign Rights sold Spanish, Catalan, French, Hungarian
- Price 15.80 €
Stilton Tea, Stilton Tea
Thea Stilton is a special correspondent for The Rodent\’s Gazette, Mouse Island\’s most famouse newspaper. A graduate of Mouseford Academy, Ms. Stilton loves traveling and adventures. She is the sister of Geronimo Stilton.