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For nearly thirty years now, I have been examining and treating children according to knowledge and ethics. I learnt vaccination at University and kept on administering all vaccines available, persuaded as I were of the benefits of mass immunization. (…) During my medical practice I had also the opportunity to meet non-vaccinated children, which made me realize that I had wholeheartedly and uncritically accepted the idea of absolute effectiveness and safety of vaccins. I observed that non-vaccinated children were far less affected by the most common paediatric diseases than vaccinated children, and met parents whose children fell severely ill, or even died, after being administered a vaccine (…)

Dr Eugenio Serravalle is specialized in Preventive Pediatric Health Care, Neo-natal Care and Neo-natal Pathology. He also published La salute è servita (Paideia 2006), Vaccinare contro il papillomavirus?, with Roberto Gava (Salus Infirmorum 2008), Tutto quello che occorre sapere prima di vaccinare il proprio bambino (SI 2009).