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Capitalismo carnivoro. Allevamenti intensivi, carni sintetiche e il futuro del mondo

Reading Capitalismo carnivoro will not convince you to stop buying or eating meat. It will not push you to become vegan. It will give you a new perspective on the economic consequences of meat trade and production. After years of travelling in the poorest parts of the world and studying the animal industry, Francesca Grazioli recounts how the Western World feeds the system that has made meat one of the main reasons for international conflict: 77% of the planet’s arable land is used exclusively for animal exploitation, the same system consumes 55 billion chickens every year and allows the world’s largest slaughterhouse, built in Oregon, to slaughter 36 000 pigs every day. Eating meat is no longer an innocent choice, writes Grazioli, nor is it harmless, because it means supporting lobbies willing to exacerbate the climatic and economic crises that affect our daily lives to increase and protect the Carnivorous Capitalism at the basis of their profits.Only by being aware of what we eat, we can redefine the society we choose to inhabit.

Francesca Grazioli works at the Bioversity International Research Center, she is a researcher on climate change and food security.