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The global health crisis has challenged not only our daily lives and our constitutional rights, but also the needs and rights of children and adolescents. School, relationships, playing with peers, the outdoors, serenity, freedom, joy, the experience of contact and embrace are gone. After the long enforced quarantine, the return to school has transformed the already disrupted national education system into a health facility, governed by strict rules that are completely unrelated to the purposes of growth and learning. How has this affected the overall health of children and young people? How has it affected their emotional, cognitive and social development? What risks do they face? What emotions are at stake in this crisis phase? What effects will this unseen scenario have on their psychological well-being and future? How can we help them? How can we defend our health, our balance and our values? What resources can we have at our disposal, as teachers and as parents?

Giuditta Fagnani, developmental psychologist and systemic-relational psychotherapist, carries out her professional activity in the province of Florence where she works with a multidisciplinary team for the integral care of the person.

Patrizia Scanu, graduated in Philosophy, in Classical Literature and in Clinical Psychology, is a high school teacher of Human Sciences and a freelance psychologist.