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Filastrocche per sentirsi grandi | Rhymes for feeling like a grownup

Sara experiences her adolescence in a world without music, sharing a secret passion with her grandfather: vinyl records. Their listening is conducted secretly, only through headphones, to evade a centralized software that detects unauthorized music and shuts all electronic devices down.  Through nine vinyls, Sara will discover the history of rock music. But there are also nine riddles she will have to solve to get to the bottom of her grandfather’s sudden disappearance, which occurs under mysterious circumstances.  She thus begins to retrace her childhood, freeing herself from memories and gradually abandoning the carefree world of children and plunging into that of adulthood. Until the discovery of a painful truth. But this adventure will teach her a lesson about the importance of family, memories and emotions that only sound can provide.  Will Sara find a way to save music?  An educational novel for kids (10+ years) that puts music and the legendary figures who wrote its history at the center of their attention. Because they embody the power of expression, and they have deep messages to convey to humankind.

Reno Brandoni has collaborated with great guitarists like S. Grossman, J. Renbourn, D. Baker and D. Van Ronk. In 2000 he founded the website and the trade magazine Chitarra Acustica. He has released numerous CDs. For Edizioni Curci he has published The King of Blues, The Night They Invented Rock, An Evening of Classic Jazz, Nursery Rhymes to Feel Grownup, and Billie’s Last Journey.