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Francesco Alberoni. Vita dello studioso dei movimenti collettivi e dei processi amorosi

Francesco Alberoni is a tenacious and brilliant man who, in the course of a long and intense existence, managed to create the theory of movements and love processes that made him known all over the world.

In his life he alternated lacerating dilemmas with immense joys and gratifications, strong passions to moments of lucid ability to see the future \’beyond the horizon\’. His private life is closely woven to the evolution of his thought and the myriad of professional activities he carried out in the cultural and academic world. The biography tells of the man in his complexity, his extraordinary abilities and his weaknesses, successes and failures, acknowledgments received and attacks suffered. Through Alberoni’s biography we reconstruct a century that saw great changes in social, cultural and political context. In this background Alberoni has often been a forerunner, a lucid interpreter and an active protagonist.

Associate Professor in Sociology at the IULM University of Milan, since 2003 keeps the cours of Urban Sociology at the Milan Polytechnic. She is a founding member of Istur – Francesco Alberoni Research Institute. He collaborated with several universities and carried out various researches for public and private entities.

She is the author of over seventy publications including several monographs such as, “Il grande mosaico della società” (with R. Lavarini) ed. Hoepli.