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From the pen of the great children’s author Luigi Ballerini, a story dedicated to children, born from a personal memory of a child.

Outside it’s snowing, and everything is cold and white. Inside it’s hot , and a child can’t go out because he has a high fever . Mum is there for him, though, with a beautiful surprise. Stunning illustration and essential text create a soothing whole, with a lyrical back-and-forth between opposites – fever and snow, heat and cold, inside and outside – leading up to a final embrace.

From the expert voice of Luigi Ballerini with the poetic and rarefied illustrations of Paolo Domeniconi.

Luigi Ballerini (author), doctor and psychoanalyst, is one of the authors most loved by children (and adults). He is a freelance journalist and writes about schools, education and young people in newspapers and magazines. His texts always reach deep inside.

Paolo Domeniconi (illustrator) is published and known all over the world. He started in the early ’90s from advertising illustration, working for campaigns, press and packaging. Later he became interested in publishing for children.