Già la mensa è preparata
by Rollin Corrado, Rollin Corrado, Rollin Corrado
In Già la mensa è preparata, Corrado Rollin combines music and cooking, which have much in common. A chef in his own way is a conductor (and vice versa) and those who love one art often indulge in the pleasures of the other. At the opera, people eat, drink, toast and feast, perhaps taking advantage of the occasion to poison someone. In Spain in the sixteenth century was in vogue a form of musical composition called ensalada. An instrumental piece composed of a mixture of motifs and famous arias often taken from a melodrama is a potpourri. In Baroque opera, an aria sung by a comprimario while the audience was distracted and perhaps quenching their thirst is called a sorbet aria. Finally, a tall narrow glass is a flûte. So, enjoy listening and enjoy your meal!
- Publishing house Il Leone Verde
- Year of publication 2020
- Number of pages 78
- ISBN 9788865802892
- Foreign Rights Anna Spadolini
- Ebook Disponibile
- Price 10.00 €
Rollin Corrado, Rollin Corrado, Rollin Corrado
Corrado Rollin, from Turin, has been involved for years in the relationship between music and literature, collaborating with Teatro Regio, Rai, Teatro Baretti and Unione Musicale. For the Italian Swiss Radio and Television he wrote and interpreted the television program ‘W Verdi, Giuseppe!’. He does not cook, but fortunately for him he married a wonderful cook.