New York: Dall’Italiano al Mondo / From Italian to the rest of the World.

Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino announces a new edition of the conference Dall’Italiano al Mondo/From Italian to the rest of the World.
After the success of the Frankfurter Buchmesse edition in October, the initiative created to promote and support the translation of Italian literature abroad and to promote networking among translators around the world, will once again be held in person, this time in New York.
The project, curated by Ilide Carmignani and designed for translators from Italian to all languages of the world, was born in 2021 with the aim of presenting every year a vast selection of Italian books yet to be translated.
The next edition of the conference will be held within the festival “Multipli Forti. Voices from contemporary Italian literature”, promoted by the Italian Cultural Institute of New York, conceived and directed by Maria Ida Gaeta, which will be held in New York from 14 to 16 January 2025 and will be mainly focused on the English-speaking market.
Details of the round table are as follows:
15/01/2025 10.30 am
From Italian to the rest of the World: A journey to the USA.
in collaboration with Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino, the Turin International Book Fair
Contributions by: Andrea Bajani (writer, Rice University), Brian Robert Moore (translator from Italian to English), Marco Vigevani (Italian Literary Agency)
Moderated by: Ilide Carmignani (translator and curator of Dall’Italiano al mondo) and Lorenza Honorati (coordinator of the Rights Centre)