Rio de Janeiro: L’Italia tradotta. A collection of studies
Edizioni 7Letras of Rio de Janeiro announce the publication of the volume L’Italia tradotta, a collection of studies edited by Alejandro Patat, Andrea Santurbano and Patricia Peterle. Dedicated to the circulation and reception of Italian books in Brazil and Argentina, the volume includes studies on the reception and translation of classic and contemporary Italian authors, from Boccaccio to Eugenio Montale and Cesare Pavese, from Michele Marito Antonella Lattanzi.
The idea for this volume stems from a broader project, ‘Conectando Culturas’, promoted by the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina with the support of the CNPq, which brings together a network of Italian, Brazilian and Argentinean universities. The main objective is to consider the languages and cultures involved as dialoguing diversities, capable of proposing constructive visions that can form a fabric of intercultural relations on which to base effective social inclusion. In short, language, or rather languages, in their singularity, are seen as a fertile soil that becomes a dialectical ground for confrontation in respect and recognition of the other. Languages that are therefore mediators of the culture they transmit and that must necessarily find a reciprocal channel for dialogue, a role that belongs par excellence to translation.