27 September 2020

I valori che contano (avrei preferito non scoprirli)

by De Silva Diego, De Silva Diego
I valori che contano (avrei preferito non scoprirli)

Vincenzo Malinconico is a wildly unsuccessful lawyer who spends most of his time at the office trying to look busy.

He makes you laugh, though you can never be quite sure why. He’s affable enough. Of course, but it’s not so much that. He is both kind of halfwit and a genius, flippant and profound, chaotic and yet possessed of a Zen-like calm. He’s easily distracted but tends to hound-dog every thought until he has it by the throat. His conversation is labyrinthine but he is capable of moment of blinding lucidity. The thing is, you can’t help but love him. He is Vincenzo Malinconico, an underemployed lawyer whose wife has sort of left him (“he’s the kind of man you marry not once but twice, and leave both times”), whose teenage children worry him to death, and whose profession mostly consists in appearing as if he has one.

“Malinconico is back. And he rocks. There’s a lot of life in this book, that kind of life that twists your guts and then unexpectedly makes you laugh with tears.” — Luciana Littizzetto

  • Publishing house Einaudi
  • Year of publication 2020
  • Number of pages 320
  • ISBN 9788806243135
  • Foreign Rights
  • Ebook
  • Price 18.50 €

De Silva Diego, De Silva Diego

Diego De Silva was born in Naples in 1964. His latest works include Superficie (2018), Terapia di coppia per amanti (2015), Mancarsi (2013), and four best-sellers, involving the “lawyer of unsuccess” Vincenzo Malinconico: Non avevo capito niente (2007, finalist Premio Strega); Mia suocera beve (2010); Sono contrario alle emozioni (2011) and Divorziare con stile (2017). His novels have been translated in several languages.

I valori che contano (avrei preferito non scoprirli)

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