Imigração brasileira na Europa. Memória, herança, transformação

The volume collects some of the contributions presented at the V Seminar on Brazilian immigration in Europe (SIBE), carried out by the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the “G. d’Annunzio”, of Chieti-Pescara, on 8, 9 and 10 November 2018. Memory, inheritance and transformation are the words around which the articles in this volume develop studies that analyze phenomena of various kinds related to the Brazilian migration process. The in-depth studies concern studies on the linguistic heritage of migrants in European social and school contexts, on policies or on the lack of adequate policies to welcome migrants even in countries where the official language is the same, but with different variants. The linguistic affinity between Brazil and Portugal often shows itself as an advantage, especially for student mobility. However, it is not always possible to bridge the cultural and religious differences that often bring out real prejudices concerning both the practices of migrants and Brazilian cultural and literary products. The teaching of Brazilian Portuguese in various European countries is also being studied here in order to propose methodologies that contemplate the needs of migrants, their descendants or even adopted children, who often cancel their language of origin. In this work, migratory relations between Brazil and European countries are at the centre of the research on identity and perception of language, often weakened by memory and, at best, made hybrid in the transformation path that the phenomenon of migration provides.
- Publishing house LED Edizioni Universitarie
- Year of publication 2021
- Number of pages 338
- ISBN 9788879169707
- Foreign Rights Valeria Passerini / Tiziana Battaglia
- Price 38.50 €
K. de Abreu Chulata, PhD in Linguistic, Historical-Literary and Intercultural Studies, teaches Portuguese and Brazilian Language at the University “G. d’Annunzio”, of Chieti-Pescara. She carries out research on Translation Studies, Portuguese as a Foreign Language and as a Heritage Language. She is part of various research projects.