La cucina delle fiabe
by Carretta Roberto, Carretta Roberto, Carretta RobertoHow do you make authentic “Elf bread”? And what if we wanted to taste Madama Fortuna\’s cookies? What about the “pandolce della fata” or the “focaccia della Befana”? What is the menu in the Paese di Cuccagna? These and many other questions will be answered in this little book by Roberto Caretta. La cucina delle fiabe is a true concentration of literary curiosities and gastronomic delicacies for young and old alike: because the age of fairy tales is an inner horizon from which it is impossible to escape.
- Publishing house Il Leone Verde
- Year of publication 2002
- Number of pages 90
- ISBN 9788887139471
- Foreign Rights Anna Spadolini
- Ebook Disponibile
- Price 10.00 €
Carretta Roberto, Carretta Roberto, Carretta Roberto
Roberto Carretta, graduated in Philosophy of Art, has translated and edited La condizione umana, the last cycle of lectures given by the writer and essayist Aldous Huxley, and the biography Nietzsche in Italia by Guy de Pourtalès.