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La lessicografia dialettale lombarda tra Sette e Ottocento

An obsolete object: this is how the dialectal vocabulary could be defined today. Outside the inner circle of scholars, the dialect dictionary appears to be an instrument unknown to most people, to others a curious find from distant times or, in the most fortunate cases, the passionate lexical autobiography of local storytellers. But things were different over the centuries covered in this book. The dialect dictionaries were dignified objects in 1700s and 1800s culture: they played an important role in the conquest of the national language, but they were also, in some cases, precious containers of relics of a past that could only be documented through the survival of the lexicon. This volume traces a profile of the lexicographic production of the Lombard dialects, of one of the regions richest in vernacular dictionaries between the 18th and 19th centuries.



Mario Piotti teaches Italian and Media Linguistics at the Università degli Studi di Milano. His main research interest is in media linguistics with a focus on television, cinema and comics. He is also interested in the history of scientific language and dialectal lexicography. In 1998 he published Un puoco grossetto di loquella. La lingua di Niccolò Tartaglia.