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From the classic by Cesare Pavese the tale of a popular Italy, narration of the return, the search for oneself and membership. After the war, Anguilla returns home and retraces the places of childhood and adolescence on a journey through time in search of ancient roots.We can understand how important it is to have a country, a family, a point of reference that binds to life; Anguilla realizes this when he is recalled by the sense of belonging to his country that he carries inside with nostalgia.

Marino Magliani, from Liguria but has lived in Holland for many years. He has written screenplays for graphic novels, novels and short story collections. For Tunué he published Sosurati Pereira.

Marco D’Aponte, is a painter and illustrator. He has made several graphic novels in his long career. For Tunué he published Sosurati Pereira.