La musica al di là del buio
by Funari AlessandraOptimism in the different world of the blind: the author tells us about the difficulties of the arduous world of disability, and in particular the barriers caused by blindness or severe low vision, unimaginable for the ‘normally sighted’. The disease is not an obstacle, but a way to penetrate even deeper into the other person and listen to him/her. Alessandra Funari shows us the extraordinary strength of a young woman who decides to emerge from the sudden storm that fate has reserved for her. Thanks to music, nothing is lost. An autobiography that weaves together love and pain, and highlights the power of music, which is intense passion but, at the same time, can become a tool for healing the wounds of the soul. Accompanying the protagonist is the legacy of a phrase from her grandmother: ‘Never stop following your dreams’. A tale where, despite the suffering, the conquest of happiness shines through.
- Publishing house Mauna Loa Edizioni
- Year of publication 2021
- Number of pages 106
- ISBN 9791280456106
- Foreign Rights Raffaella Milandri
- Foreign Rights sold NO
- Ebook 9791280456113
- Price 16.00
Funari Alessandra
Alessandra Funari was born in a small town in the heart of the Sibillini mountains. She graduated in Literature with a specialisation in Classical Philology and Modern Philology. She obtained a Master’s degree in Didactics of Italian as foreign language. He completed two postgraduate courses, in Didactics of Italian Literature and in Didactics of History. He graduated in Flute at the ‘Pergolesi’ Conservatory in Fermo. She is a teacher at the Liceo classico – linguistico ‘G. Leopardi’ in Macerata.