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«What are forty years old, little one? – said Fr. Ennio – if you really want to understand where the error is you must first of all abandon the mental patterns that you use every day. Those can be used to get to the office on time, but they are not used to find out where the error is hidden when we talk about the world, the perfection of creation and the revelation of God. In this case forty years are worth as a century […] or as a single second. It does not matter. But listen to me, you run around this courtyard for five minutes and then we talk about it. Our bodies are much wiser than our minds. It comes first, that’s all. The mind follows him; he arrives later, all serious, angry, full of doubts, where our body has already arrived alone, with a leap».

«Piccirì» is the author himself who, in an extraordinary intertwining of memories and paths, re-interprets his human adventure as if it were an inner journey… and brings out new questions of meaning and meaningful answers about life, existence, death, the eternal, the others, faith, God.

Writer and essayist, Ferruccio Parazzoli lives in Milan. He has worked for years in publishing and has been in contact with the major authors of the 900. He directed the «Oscar Mondadori» for ten years. He is the author of numerous novels, essays, short stories winners of the most important national literary awards (Premio Campiello 1977 and 1982; and Premio Strega 1985).