L’architettura della città
by Rossi Aldo
Firstly published in 1966, this book is a landmark in the history of architecture. Aldo Rossi reshapes urbanism and the whole idea of what a city should be: driving away from functionalism and rejecting the idea that a city is just the sum of its functions, Rossi explores the idea of shape, and of the city as a community. Architecture becomes a collective act, in which two human needs come together: aesthetic beauty and the necessity to build an environment suitable to life. This alchemy generates real, livable spaces: roads to travel, buildings to live in, monuments in which to deposit identities. This city, so animated and so human, emerges from time, and reshapes tradition to make in functional.
- Publishing house Il Saggiatore
- Year of publication 2018
- Number of pages 253
- ISBN 9788842825081
- Foreign Rights Rebecca Mombelli rights@ilsaggiatore.com
- Foreign Rights sold English World Rights, German, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Albanian, Romanian, Turkish
- Price 25.00
Rossi Aldo
Aldo Rossi was an architect and a professor. He was the leader of the movement La Tendenza and one of the most influential theorists of the 20th century