1 December 2023

Autobiografia scientifica

by Rossi Aldo
Autobiografia scientifica

Aldo Rossi was not only a revolutionary architect, but also a fine essayist, an urban philosopher, and even a filmmaker – in short, a deeply inquisitive intellectual and an all-round Renaissance man. This is his autobiography, a book in which Rossi offers readers a magnificent blend of his artistic and human expertise and his reflections on the meaning of architecture, cities, archetypes and actual projects – both those successfully brought to fruition around the world and others that were never completed. Students of architecture as well as ordinary admirers of urban beauty will appreciate this valuable artistic and philosophical memoir.

  • Publishing house Il Saggiatore
  • Year of publication 2023
  • Number of pages 136
  • ISBN 9788842832676
  • Foreign Rights Rebecca Mombelli
  • Foreign Rights sold World English Rights, Albiania
  • Price 20.00

Rossi Aldo

Aldo Rossi was an architect and a professor. He was the leader of the movement La Tendenza and one of the most influential theorists of the 20th century.

Autobiografia scientifica

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