17 January 2024

Le français au prisme de sa diversité

by Molinari Chiara, Paternostro Roberto
Le français au prisme de sa diversité

Almost 20 years after the publication of Les français en émergence (Galazzi & Molinari, 2007), which focused on the variational phenomena of French and their ‘innovative’ character, this volume aims to take stock of the effects that the transformations that have taken place in the French-speaking world in recent decades have had on the French language and its uses, through the prism of the social and linguistic diversity that characterizes them. This volume is also a tribute to the human and scientific journey of an ‘out of the ordinary’ teacher-researcher, Enrica Galazzi, whose approach to variation, through the multiple manifestations of speech and voice, has made a significant contribution to the recognition of the immeasurable richness of the variational palette of French. This volume brings together a cross-section of specialists in the field to reflect on some of the linguistic, textual and discursive forms that have characterized the French language in recent decades: from lexical neology to new forms of orality and scripturality, to the rise of new enunciative and discursive typologies and their hybridization.

  • Publishing house LED Edizioni Universitarie
  • Year of publication 2023
  • Number of pages 120
  • ISBN 9788855131063
  • Foreign Rights Valeria Passerini/Tiziana Battaglia/
  • Price 27.00

Molinari Chiara, Paternostro Roberto

Chiara  Molinari is Full Professor of French at the University of Milan. Her research focuses on the French-speaking world, through an interdisciplinary methodology (sociolinguistics, discourse analysis and FLE didactics, collaborative lexicography).

Roberto Paternostro is Senior Lecturer at the University of Geneva. His work focuses on the description of spoken French and the role of variation in the teaching and learning of FLE. He is also involved in language teacher training in High schools.

Le français au prisme de sa diversité

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