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Mummy is looking for a flat, but the search is anything but easy. Especially since she wouldn’t want any home. Mum is looking for a place open to everyone, in a city that can welcome all peoples, with doors that open onto squares where everybody meets and respects each other. Mum is dreaming… a dream in which the whole family starts to believe because there are utopias that can become reality. An intense, poetic and essential story, dedicated to those who, even if they do not find, continue to search.

Guia Risari is a child writer, researcher, translator and journalist. She published with many publishing houses in Italy and abroad: Einaudi Ragazzi, Mondadori, San Paolo, Eli, Topipittori, Beisler, Memo, Baron Perché, A buen paso.

Massimiliano di Lauro approaches illustration after graduating in design. He has published in Italian and foreign magazines and has worked on various books published in Italy and abroad, translated into 6 languages.