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The book is a small masterpiece of literary and figurative art. The drawings, realized by a real master of illustration, and the text, poetic, scratchy and delicate at the same time, make the story of Nako – a Roma child – a story on which young and old can confront each other on worlds other than their own. Worlds more judged than really known. What Nako says highlights the dreams and sufferings of those who experience distances and exclusion every day, but at the same time opens the curtain on ancient traditions, languages and hopes.

For those who believe in authentic life and in the value of differences, the book is a social and cultural adventure to live.

Guia Risari: child writer, researcher, translator, journalist. She published with many publishers in Italy and abroad. For Paoline she wrote Mamma cerca casa/Mama is looking for a house (2019). Paolo D’Altan made classical studies, in 1987 began working as a freelance illustrator for the major Italian advertising agencies. He then approached the world of children’s books, obtaining numerous awards. He teaches illustration in Milan.