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Mario Maglione. Vico Gerolomini 11 dove la mia storia ha inizio

Placeable by structure among those defined training novels, ready to trace the evolution and maturation of the protagonist, the life story of a son of the people like Sweater, signed by De Luca, can also be placed in the literary genre of the so-called novel appendix. That is, that type of novel that spread in the first decades of the nineteenth century and was published in a newspaper or magazine in episodes, capable of keeping the reader’s curiosity alive with its story fragmented into episodes. (from the introduction by Giuseppe Giorgio). Participations by Marisa Laurito and Eugenio Bennato.

Vincenzo De Luca was born in Ruvo del Monte (Pz) on 8 May 1949. After graduating in Philosophy at the University of Salerno, he became interested in politics, serving in the PCI and holding numerous positions within it. He was elected mayor of Salerno, as well as Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport of the Letta government and is currently president of the Campania Region.