Missione dinosauri. Viaggio nel tempo 11
by Stilton Geronimo, Stilton GeronimoAn irresistible mixture of hilarious humour andhistorical informationEach book contains special tools to explore thevarious epochs: board games, reusable stickers,3D glasses and tattoosOver 4.6 million copies sold worldwideRights sold in 13 languages includingEnglish (–UK and Ireland)In this title All the rodents in New Mouse City are at the Rodeon Cinema, waiting to watch thenew thriller on dinosaurs by Creepella Von Cacklefur. The movie starts, but suddenlythe screen rips open and . . . real dinosaurs emerge! So Operation Dinosaur-Bustersstarts, in which the Stiltons want to capture the “beasts” to send them back in time,thanks to a Time Machine invented by Nosygenius. During the mission, Geronimoand Nosygenius realize that Shadow, the ally of the evil Madame No, is going aroundthe city with a huge dinosaur egg. He got it directly from the past to make it thenew attraction at Madame No’s big Prehistory Park, but in doing so he damaged theTime Machine, bringing all the dinosaurs into the present. Fortunately, OperationDinosaur-Buster works. Moreover, Geronimo and Nosygenius manage to recover thetriceratops egg from Madame No’s mansion and replace it with one made of papiermâché.Now all they need to do is bring it back to the Cretaceous and then go tothe Jurassic to bring home Splinter, a little stegosaurus that Trap wanted to keep forhimself.This is the beginning of an enthralling adventure for our friends, who aboard theC.R.O.S.T.A., a prototype of a Time Robot, will first go to the Ice Age by mistake, thento the Cretaceous and, finally, the Jurassic, where they will complete their mission.
- Publishing house Piemme
- Year of publication 2018
- Number of pages 350
- ISBN 9788856661149
- Foreign Rights Atlantyca: foreignrights@atlantyca.it
- Foreign Rights sold Rights sold in 13 languages including English (-UK and Ireland)
- Price 23.00 €
Stilton Geronimo, Stilton Geronimo
Geronimo Stilton is the publisher of The Rodent\’s Gazette, Mouse Island\’s most famouse newspaper. He is Rattus Emeritus of Mousomorphic Literature and Neo-Ratonic Comparative Philosophy. In his spare time, Mr. Stilton enjoys collecting antique cheese rinds, playing golf, and telling stories to his nephew Benjamin. He lives in New Mouse City, Mouse Island.