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Can we perceive, distinguish and appreciate beauty through touch? What happens if the gaze is no longer there, or was never there? Is the enjoyment of beauty lost forever or can we find it in other ways? The book Toccare la Bellezza. Montessori, Munari explores these questions through the thinking, ideas and original works of Maria Montessori and Bruno Munari, some of the most illustrious figures in modern Italian culture. Both of them, although moving in very different fields, posed these same questions, which now become the object of a detailed analysis and reflection on the aesthetic value of tactility. The previously unseen contributions written by Aldo Grassini, Alfio Albani, Alberto Munari, Mariangela Scarpini, Rita Socchera, Silvana Sperati, Andrea Sòcrati and Fabio Fornasari focus on many themes, ranging from didactics to cognitive potential, from the beauty of gesture to the importance of forms, materials and tactile narratives. The book is published in conjunction with the exhibition held at the Museo Tattile Statale Omero, TACTUS. Centre for contemporary arts, multisensoriality and interculturality and the Municipality of Ancona; in collaboration with the Fondazione Chiaravalle Montessori and the Associazione Bruno Munari.

Maria Montessori was an Italian educator, pedagogist, philosopher, pediatric neuropsychiatrist, known internationally for the educational method that takes her name, adopted in thousands of nursery, primary, middle and secondary schools around the world.

Bruno Munari has been one of the protagonists of 20th-century art, design and graphics. He always dedicated his creative activity to experimentation, with a particular attention to the world of childrens.