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Ten stories of non-conformist women, troublesome, often unpleasant, and yet extremely talented. This is not a catalogue of “exemplary” women: on the contrary, these women were seen as “witches” by women themselves.
In the King Arthur saga, Morgana was the powerful and dangerous sister of the more reassuring king who wielded the magic sword. She is the ideal godmother for the women selected in this book: from Vivienne Westwood, the designer who revolutionized the world of high fashion, to the former figure skater Tonia Harding, from Shirley Temple to the Brontë sisters, Marina Abramovich, Saint Catherine, Moana Pozzi, Moira Orfei, Grace Jones, and the women of Game of Thrones.
None of these ladies embodies the gentle and sacrifice-prone feminine nature: they are indomitable even by the standards of today’s emancipated feminist women.

Michela Murgia is the author of the international bestseller Accabadora (2009), Premio Campiello and Mondello International, and of many other bestselling novels and essays, among them: Ave Mary, Chirù, Istruzioni per diventare fascisti and Noi siamo tempesta.

Chiara Tagliaferri has been writing as an author for RAI-radio programs and is currently working with “Storielibere”, the most innovative podcast platform.