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The Seventh Crusade is yet to begin but rumours are already spreading surrounding the existence of a document found in Jerusalem which could have devastating consequences for both Christianity and Islam if released. A document of this kind, even before its contents are known, has attracted the interest of many: the Sultan of Egypt, and through him Frederick of Swabia and his trusted envoy, Umberto di Fondi; the Knights Templar, caught between their loyalty to the French crown, the Catholic Church, and to… themselves; and Yves Le Breton, the Inquisitor (in a crisis of conscience) of Louis IX ‘the Saint’. While fighting to get to Cairo, the hunt for the document gathers pace, and for a moment, it also get to Nero\’s Imperial Rome. The document has the potential to destroy the world that people know – and it will be up to those who possess it to decide what must be done, while the reader waits with bated breath. Nel nome di Dio is the first book in a trilogy: The Inquisitor’s Chronicles.

 For those who loved The Da Vinci Code and The Name of the Rose.

is a criminal lawyer practicing in Rome. He is among the authors of I Fantasmi dell’Impero (Sellerio 2017), a historical novel about the Italian colonial adventure in East Africa.